Let the journey begin...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Unlucky! cause they are born as humans

    Unlucky! cause they are born as humans

Nepal, a country with child rights preserved only on papers. These Kids need to work hard to earn their livelihood. If you think you are rich and have a blessed life. Well! think again cause your heart maybe poor, and the one with poor heart can never be rich nor have a blessed life. Have you ever tried to help people for no gain in return? For no words of thanks, no blessings from god, no financial benefit, not for satisfying your ego either. Have you ever helped someone because you had the ability and for nothing else in return. If yes, are you still doing the same?

  Well the truth is always bright like the sun, shining brightly in the sky. For instance we are all aware of the greatest truth of life 'Death'. Death is the greatest truth of life and it occurs every second.We die every second and every second we have new birth. You five minutes earlier is dead like your chilhood days. The breath you take in comes out, the tasty food and drink you consumed few moment ago is on its process of leaving your body. Everything you have now will leave you one day, your friends, family ,money, health, everything. Knowing everything we still have greed, ego, jealousy in our heart. Are we intelligent beings, for sure?? In above picture a small kid tries to help her mom in work. At least she understands what is to be born poor. She may be poor now but she will sure become rich one day, if not economically, she will for sure be rich emotionally.

Here is a picture of a young girl begging at Pashupatinath temple, in one of the most cold winter days. 

Temple in native language means 'Mandir". It is composed of two word "Maan" which means heart and 'dir' which means peace. So the place where your heart is at peace is called temple. Such scenario really keep people's heart at peace.

 Great humans and of course religious mankind.

 This is the picture of kids collecting renewable products from garbage that can be sold in terms of money. The picture was taken in Birjung. A city in Nepal. Most of the people here are rich economically but very poor in terms of kindness or heart. They are really busy in earning wealth and have stored a lot, yet they are never satisfied. They are so busy that they even don't have time to see what kids like such are doing in their locality. And even if they, do they just turn their attention blaming the government for being careless. Wow! this is indeed the true picture of today's mankind.

Such photos are just endless, I will share some of those in my upcoming blogs. For now take care stay happy cause there are people in this world who are not as lucky as you are. Enjoy!!

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