Let the journey begin...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Are you happy?


                                       I'm happy


                                                                Are you happy?                                                                                      



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Are you happy?

         Are you happy?

                                                   Yes or No

 If yes, can you stay happy for 24 hours a day? Yes or No? Well even if you say yes, you won't deny the fact that people around the globe are not as lucky as you are. Cause its almost impossible to stay happy 24 hours a day. Isn't it? No you can stay happy, 24-7.

You might have noticed a child enjoying every seconds of its life. You feel that the child is happy and wish you could go back to the childhood days. Its impossible to go back for now cause our modern science is not that developed but yes, you can stay happy. Happiness is a very easy thing to achieve but it takes a lot, lot struggle, and hard work to gain pain and sadness in life.

Let me tell you a story,

' once upon a time in this world exactly the place you are, was a  woodcutter sleeping in the mid day under a big tree. A priest of your religion was passing by, on his first glance of the woodcutter he got really angry. In his anger, he came near to the woodcutter and began to scold," a young and active man like you sleeping in the mid day like this". The woodcutter slowly turned towards the priest with his eye half opened. When he saw the priest in a very aggressive mood, he felt as if he made a great mistake. He at once apologized to the priest and asked in a very polite voice, " which is the better position to sleep, can you please explain?". The priest got his anger cross the limit, and said it is not good to sleep in mid day specially when you are healthy and strong. The woodcutter got surprised and asked what was his duty during the day. The priest with his ego at the very top, raised his head and asked, "how many children you have?". The man said," no, I'm not married yet". The priest smiled, looked at the man and said,"so that is the reason, poor guy cut woods, take it to the market and sell it". The man looked up towards the tree and then facing the priest he said," what to do after I sell the woods". The priest laughed and said," you are indeed too innocent, sell woods earn money, do it continuously for days, and when you make a lot of money get married".The woodcutter with a positive response  to  the priest," um! and, and then sir what after marriage". The woodcutter smiled and replied," after that have children, raise them, but let there be love and only love, remember a man must fulfill desires of his children and wife". The man with full concentration towards the words of the priest again asked the priest," what else after I marry, have children, raise the children?". The priest looked at the sky with the eyes of mercy, pity and said," oh! lord why is your people so ignorant, give them some knowledge", then he turned towards the woodcutter and said," dear, your good days will then begin, you will then get the fruits of what you planted for years, " your children will then be grown up, they will earn and look after you, you can rest and enjoy the rest of your life". The woodcutter with a great disappointment looks at the priest and says," you want me to climb the tree, cut the woods, sell it in the market, get married, have children, raise them, fulfill the desire of the wife and children, take all the burden all this pain just for having a life full of enjoyment, and rest at the end?", more over who can guarantee that the children I raise will look after me, Oh! the great one, thank you for disturbing my sleep, I was enjoying my day and taking rest, if rest is what I have to do at the end why not now, I'm happy, I'm satisfied,  I need no wife no money to be saved for future. I don't want my present to be painful and full of sufferings just to make my future a dream world. Who knows how long am I going to live, Future is not in my hands but the present is, the choice is mine as long as I live, I can live with full happiness. I have no desire for future, I'm satisfied with my present, yes I'm happy today". He bids goodbye to the priest, and then goes to sleep.' The priest with no words in return moves his own way...

Did you get the moral?Let me break the hard nuts for you so that you can easily understand what I mean to say. Let me give you the example of a child. A child remains happy because it has no desire. Its like inertia of motion and rest, it continues to remain on its position or state until and unless forced by external force to change it position or state. Is your desire forcing you??????

YES! YES! YES! I know you don't believe in what I'm saying. Well in that case let me check your intelligence. Which work is easy? To do something, anything or to do nothing, just nothing? What do you think, To do or not to do, is easy? Think...... So you got the answer. What is it?


Ah! I knew you would think the same, to do nothing. See its really very very easy to figure out and come to a conclusion that you are not as intelligent as you think you are, since you are absolutely wrong. Shocked? Now don't make that face. If you think you are correct, well! lets do it right now.

Try to do nothing, just for 10 seconds, lets see if you can. Ready??
On you mark, get set, go.


I can't see you but I can assure that either you did something or you did something, cause even when you try to do nothing there is that 'to do', means either you try not to think, or close your eyes or keep you hands straight and so on. which means you are forcing or commanding your body, you are not letting it happen, you are using force. That is desire, and desire can be of any type. And desire is what makes you run, struggle, work hard. And this desire is really amazing, it never gets satisfied even if you get the whole world.

The same is with your happiness, your desires are the reasons why you can't stay in the same state. So quit your desire, let it happen, accept what is with you, get satisfied. Cause satisfaction is the root of happiness. The more you run the more you achieve and the more you become empty cause you need more and more. There is no happy ending in real life like in movies. So forget it stay satisfied you will sure have a happy beginning. 

Now with your eyes close or open, think of the god you love, you trust, or you have heard of.

                  Was he/she satisfied? Was he/she happy?


          So stay satisfied, stay happy, hope we will meet again.

  Thank you for being with me, follow me, don't follow me,hate me or like me, comment or don't, I don't care I'm satisfied, I'm happy

                                            Are you happy?

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