Let the journey begin...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Humanity, a lesson to learn

                    Economically poor but rich by heart

Early in the morning he came walking to Pashupatinath Temple, his bag was full.  Monkeys on their first sight of him came rushing towards him. Everyone around thought he was about to face something very serious. Those monkeys rushed in such a way as if they were about to attack him, Everyone with full focus watched the monkeys and the man, thinking that either these monkeys are about to steal his bag or bite him.

But to everyone's surprise! monkeys behaved well, they all waited for him to put his hands inside the bag and distribute bread to all of them. The monkeys were chattering together as if they were all happy.

Some from far distance were angry with those to receive the bread first, they tried to bite those who came first. But they man said," don't fight, go away", and as if some kind of miracle, those who tried to create a fight maintained a distance but didn't stop chattering and threatening eachother.


 The man then came to them and gave them the breads, they all seemed to be thankful to such a kind man. After receiving the bread they all went on their own way as if nothing had happened, the man too walked his way. He wanted no cheers for his work, no reward, no big words, no nothing. It was as if he did for nothing, he came, he feed and then he left to his own destination. What a man!

Its really hard to find people like him in today's world. Everyone seem to have turned selfish, they all live only for themselves. Even if they do something for others they need a lot in return, either money, respect, words of thanks and lots more. Wish everyone on earth could learn something from this man

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