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Thursday, October 20, 2016

My First Music Video

                             Making of The Song. 'Pigmandu'

 The song clearly states that it relate pollution. Actually the concept of the song was first meant to tease the people around, to stop them from polluting environment. And this song was first composed six years ago. 

During those days Kathmandu was really crossing its limits regarding pollution. But some organizations and government seemed to be curious and were making promises on bringing a big change. 

Years passed and there were times I thought that, now they might get the job done. But nothing happened. Recently it came to my notice that Kathmandu has been ranked on the top three position among the world's most polluted city. I felt like I must now work upon it. So recorded this video.

Problems I faced while making this song. 

I really have gone through hell when I just started of making ideas of how to get my job done. People around started teasing me that I was insulting my mother land. Some said that I'm a useless dreamer. As a whole almost all people said its not a good idea. Very few supported and encouraged me. Some people were there who said that it was the worst song that they had ever heard. Despite of what people said I kept focusing on my work. Finally I got a recording studio. And I got everything arranged. When the song was out people who heard were shocked with the song, but the response they made was still the same. They kept forcing me from doing the job. 

I was out of job for a year and all my money was spent. Yet, I didn't quit. I had now a video to make. I asked for a loan from my friends. And everyone denied. But one friend said he liked my concept and was ready to help me. But he had very little amount of money. Well it could be a good start, I said and I began my work. The video maker himself was not interested in my video. He just claimed for the money and told me to shoot the video myself. Unfortunately my camera was not working. I took it to repair but the elements necessary were not found in Nepal nor in India. 

Helpless, yet I didn't quit, I asked help from my students and my friends. But all I got was disappointed. They just asked for time and each and everyone of them wasted mine. Not a single one stood to help me. I now started feeling like I'm broken. But I didn't quit.

I started taking pictures and videos from my mobile, also some foreigners who visited Nepal helped me by providing their video. Finally with lots of hardships I got my video complete. 

Lets see what results I get. I just want people to come together and clean this man made pollution.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Parts of Speech

When we speak or write English or any other language, we use sentence. Sentences are made up of words combined together and is meaningful. All words, especially in English, are divided into eight parts. These parts are also termed as Parts of speech.

So let us begin our lesson with 

                                                          Parts of Speech

Speech means the expressions of thoughts in words. In easy words we can't read people's heart or mind. Like you can't hear what people think, Can you? so we need expressions to describe our thoughts. Thus, the thoughts expressed in words while speaking or writing is called speech.

 The parts of speech are as follows: 
1) Noun
2) Pronoun
4) Verb
8) Interjection

We shall learn more about parts of speech in our next lesson.

Nobel Prizes

                                                        Nobel Prizes

Nobel prizes are given every year to persons who have made excellent contribution in the field of physics, chemistry,and physiology or medicine, also to persons who have crated the most outstanding literary work and who have made great contribution towards world peace. The Nobel Prize for economic sciences was started in 1969. Other Nobel Prizes were established in 1901.

The name in whose name the Nobel prizes were established was Alfred Bern hard Nobel, a Swedish chemist. he was born in Stockholm on 21 October 1833. His father Emmanuel Nobel was a scientist. Alfred Nobel had his education at St. petersberg in Russia and in Stockholm. he contributed his whole life to the field of Science. The discovery of dynamite enabled Nobel to become rich and get fame as days passed.

Alfred Nobel died on 10 December 1896  at the age of 63. He left behind a fabulous sum of $9.2 million as a foundation for the Nobel Prizes. The amount of each prize varies according to the interest from the fund.

Each Nobel Prize consists of a citation, a gold medal and about one million dollars. The prize may be shared by two or three and if no prize is given, the money is returned to the foundation. The selection of winners is done by distinguished persons of integrity and scholarship. The prizes are awarded every year on December, the anniversary of Nobel's death.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The First Writing

                                        The First Writing

Early Men did not know how to write, but they used to draw pictures of animals on the walls of the caves.These were magic charms to keep them safe from evil spirits and to ask blessings for good hunting.In time each pictures came to have a special meaning. When a tribe wanted to keep a record of an important hunt, they would scratch pictures of it on pieces of bark or on stones. this reminded them and their children of what had happened.

The Ancient Egyptians drew and painted pictures on the clay tablets which were afterwards baked hard, or on stone or wood. In time these pictures came to mean sounds or letters, and this was the beginning of the first alphabets.

The Persians and Babylonians also wrote on clay, but they had a different kind of alphabet. They formed letters by pressing the end of a wedge-shaped stick into clay tablets.

Great libraries of these tablets have been discovered. We can learn from how Persian and Babylonian rulers kept their accounts and records, and the tablets tell us the instructions they wrote to their generals and ambassadors.

But clay tablets were heavy and took up a lot of room, so the Egyptians invented a new writing material. This was made from the pith of the papyrus reeds which grew beside the River Nile. Strips of the pith were placed across each other. Then they were joined by glue and beaten together into a sheet. Finally this was dried and polished.

Rolls of papyrus were easy to store and smooth enough to write on with a reed pen. Ink was made from a mixture of soot, water and gum.

So many people liked using papyrus that the Egyptians were able to sell a lot of it to other countries. At one time the king of Egypt would not allow the people of Pergamum to made their own writing material from animal skins, which they scraped clean and polished. This parchment, as it is called, was even better to write on than papyrus. it was smooth and white and lasted for a very long time.

Regular use of tomatoes reduces chances of cancer. Why?

                                     Why Tomatoes?

Ripe tomatoes contain a high level of vitamin C and a chemical of Lycopin Caratinide, group of which is important and useful for health. Regular use of it saves our cells from harmful effects of tobacco and reduces the chances of cancer. Tomatoes can reduce the amount of damaged done to your body by smoking cigarettes.

Lycopin Caratinide is also the reason why tomatoes are red in color. These substances are used in some of the more pricey facial cleansers too. If you want to try tomatoes for skin care, you need to start with about eight to twelve tomatoes. Peel the tomatoes and then place them on your face with inside of the tomato touching your skin. Leave the tomatoes on your face for a minimum of ten minutes, then wash. Your face will feel clean and shiny. Some redness may occur, but should fade with time.

Tomatoes contain a great deal of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C,Vitamin K and Calcium. We will now proceed on how is it helpful for our body overall.

Tomatoes contain a considerable amount of calcium and Vitamin K. Both of these nutrients are essential in strengthening and performing minor repairs on the bones as well as the bone tissue.

Because of the Vitamin B and potassium in tomatoes, they are effective in reducing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure. Therefore, by including tomatoes in your regular balanced diet you can effectively prevent heart attacks, strokes as well as many other heart related problems that may threaten your life.

Vitamin A in tomatoes works perfectly to keep your hair shiny and strong. In addition,eating tomatoes prevent the development of night blindness and is fantastic for improving your vision. 

Adding tomatoes without seeds to your diet has been proven in some studies to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Tomatoes are packed full of the valuable mineral known as chromium. It works effectively to help diabetics keep their blood sugar levels under better control.

                       Eat Tomatoes, Stay Healthy

Why is chilly hot?

The presence of a kind of chemical Capsaicin in chilly makes it hot. Capsaicin and several related compounds are called Capsaicinoids and are produced as secondary metabolites by chilly peppers, probably as deterrents against certain mammals and fungi.The amount of Capsaicin make a chilly hot, less hot or more hot. The amount of Capsaicin in capsicum is very low so, it is not hot.

The Scoville Heat Unit is the heat measurement of a chilly. It is named after Wilbur Scoville, an American Pharmacist, who in 1912 devised the “Scoville Organoleptic Test” to measure the spicy heat, or piquancy, of chilly peppers. The measurement is taken by extracting some of the capsaicin from a chilly, and then gradually diluting it into a sugar and water mix, until the heat is barely detectable by a panel of tasters. The degree of dilution gives the chilly its place in the scale. A bell pepper has a zero Scoville rating, whilst a habanero has 100,000 – 350,000 Scoville rating, meaning it must be diluted this many times before its Capsaicin levels become undetectable.Pure capsaicin measures 16,000,000 scoville units.

Capsaicin normally take effect upon sensitive skin, eye contact, and inhalation, and cause burning/stinging pain, and can also produce nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain… and burning diarrhoea.

Capsaicin is hydrophobic that's why it doesn’t dissolve in water. This means that drinking water if you eat a hot chilly will not help. It is however, soluble in both oil and alcohol, drinking or eating dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, etc will help, but beer or cider won’t do much to help.




Date: May 22- June 21

Symbol: The Twins

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Birthstone: Agate

Flower: Rose

Colours: Sky Blue, Black

Number: Three, Four

Day: Wednesday

Quality: Fixed

Greatest Overall 
Compatibility:Libra, Aquarius

Best for Marriage and Partnerships: Sagittarius

Strengths:Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable,ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas 

Weakness: Indecisive, inconsistent nervous 

Likes:Music, books magazines, chat with people, short trip around the town

Dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine