Let the journey begin...

Friday, September 30, 2016

Project Pigmandu

                                Pigmandu by devilmaitraiya


Our country Nepal is known throughout the world for its beauty but we Nepalese are destroying it. Project Pigmandu is all about making people aware and bringing them together to clean the man made pollution.

Who doesn't want to have a clean, green, well managed city? well we Nepali too dream of it. Our country is loved and hand crafted himself by the almighty god, she is blessed by mother nature. But we, we are reason for the pollution created? We are the one destroying her beauty and making her ugly. Today she being our motherland is being insulted all over the world and yet no body seems to care.

From rivers to temples, roads to mountains we have polluted each and everything, still we don't forget or hesitate to chant I love Nepal, Feel proud to be Nepali, The most beautiful country in the world bla bla bla. It seems like a person igniting earthen lamp and shouting we never have electricity cuts in our home.

 Its not true that the people are uneducated, whoever says so in context to Nepal either he/she is drunk or maybe smoked. Cause education about cleanliness is taught straight form their own house, even the religion they follow either Hindu, Buddhist or whatever, they all teach the same. Not a single home or religion support pollution. But whats wrong then?

People of Nepal have all turn out selfish, the blood from our ansistors of never letting the head held down of the country has turned out pale when it flows in us. We all now live for ourselves, work for money, and yes! wish for pleasures of our own body. Nobody cares about nobody all are busy living for themselves. People don't want to do work which has no benefit. So they all feel that cleaning is the responsibility of the government. Its government who should be responsible for all this. But is it? Is the government doing their work properly in Nepal, any work, except corruption, revolution, strikes and protest? 

Knowing everything the citizens turn out the deaf ear to all this. Its easy for all to blame. So they keep blaming. Well project Pigmandu is all about it. Of uniting people  and bringing them  together to clean the country. To work as the helping hands for those organizations who are still trying but unable for achieving the grand success

So get yourself ready cause Project Pigmandu is coming soon..........

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