Let the journey begin...

Monday, September 19, 2016



 I just wanted to google mother, but what I found was various products, names of shop and organizations and so on. What does mother actually mean? I just wanted to know the views of the people around the world but I found almost nothing. Either women trying to define mother or some definition and so on.

 For example Wikipedia defined a mother as, " Mothers are females who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offspring. Thus, dependent on the context, females can be considered mothers by virtue of having given birth, by raising their children, supplying their ovum for fertilization, or some combination thereof. Such conditions provide a way of delineating the concept of motherhood, or the state of being a mother. Females who meet the third and first categories usually fall under the terms 'birth mother' or 'biological mother', regardless of whether the individual in question goes on to parent their child. Accordingly, a female who meets only the second condition may be considered an adoptive mother, and those who meet only the third a surrogacy mother.

Is this enough? Do you think this definition is enough to describe a mother? No, never. These words are and will never be enough..

Well! I'm not that capable to describe a mother and nether are the words able to do the job done. But I shall try to describe you, what a mother actually is ?

There is not a single religion or gods or messengers of the lord who has not defined about the greatness of mother. I can describe them all but one blog is not enough. Here I shall talk about how one of the religion on this earth, Hindu, have to say about mother.

 According to Hindu religion women have four forms' daughter, sister, wife, mother '. All are equally great but mother is the greatest. Nothing can equal Mother not even the lords according to Hindu religion. Here I maybe the greatest fool on earth to describe such divine beings. But that's what our society need to know. Since the society has forgotten the actual definition of mother. A mother today is not getting the respect, love and care she deserves. I hope this blog of mine would at least change a person if not the whole world.

Mother is a person who carries an unborn child in her womb for nine months, suffer a great pain, live an uncomfortable life through out the growth of a child in her womb, yet smile and bless the unborn. Instead of cursing and aborting the child, she accepts the pain and the trouble. She is indeed the idol of love and care.

A mother is the person who bear the unbearable pain, or so to say experience the near death experience while giving birth to a child.Yet she showers love, love and only love to her child. According to the modern science a human body can bear only up to 45 del (units) of pain. Yet at the time of giving birth, a mother feels up to 57 Del (units) of pain. This is similar to 20 bones getting fractured at the same time. Even though there is no sign of hatred of cursing the child by his/her mother. Isn't this evidence enough to prove how great a mother is?

Well even after a child is born her task is not complete. A mother takes all the burden of raising the child in her own hands. The baby which is not yet able to talk or share its feeling is very clearly understood by its mom. The mom feeds the baby when hungry, helps the baby to sleep when it feels sleepy, carries the baby when it is awake and don't want to be in its bed. She cleans the child after every excretion; urine, feces, sweat and so on. She even wakes up at the middle of the night when baby wakes up and stays awake until the child sleeps. She calms the baby when the baby cries feeling uncomfortable.

She teaches a baby how to walk, eat, talk and so on. Even after the baby learns how to eat, walk and talk her work is not yet over. When the baby doesn't want to eat, or doesn't want to walk or talks a lot, when a baby opens his/her question bank and ask various of questions, when a child gets ill. The story goes on and on.  According to Hindus; A mother is above thousands of well educated and experienced teacher combined together. In simple words even thousands of teacher cannot match a single mother. If those thousands of teachers cannot match a single mom how can my words describe a mom. It is only our heart that can feel and respect, words in this world are never enough. I can only try to describe the works of a mother. well all I can say is this universe or any other universe is not possible without a mother. Yes it is equally true that I talked only about the mother who gave birth and raise her child, there are lot more forms of mother and of course the role of father too is important but one blog is not enough for all those.

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