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Friday, August 5, 2016

Rivers polluted, Nepal

                           Rivers polluted in Nepal

Mother nature has bestowed her blessings upon this landlocked country by providing her with unlimited natural resources. Nepal although appears to be a small country in the world map, it is the second richest country in water resources on the entire world. Rivers, rivulates, streams,water-falls, brooks, lakes, ponds and small springs. Among them, rivers are the most important water resources in Nepal.

The major rivers in Nepal are Mechi, Koshi, Bagmati, Narayani, Gandaki, Kanali and Mahakali. Among them,  Koshi is the largest,  Narayani is the deepest and Karnali is the longest rivers in Nepal. The major lakes are Mahendra lake, Phewa lake,Rara lake and lots more. Similarly there are innumerable brooks, streams and springs. But...


Being the second richest country in the world, in water resources, it is a great shame to say Nepal still suffers pure drinking water problems and also electricity scarcity.  No wonder it is government to be blamed but is it not the responsibility of a responsible citizen to do something about it? People living in Nepal are habituated of talking how developed other countries are and how least developed Nepal is. They must wake up now or else there will be no waking up.                                                  

In the name of pollution Nepal begs for donations from donar countries and from the Nepalese living abroad. But its seems as if a man himself sits on ground to respond to nature's call( toilet) and after its done he cleans his body but waits for other to come and clean the rest. He keeps blaming the government when he finds his waste still on the ground and once he pass he forgets, back to his useless life, earn and enjoy. Isn't it the responsibility of every citizen to think about what should be done? Forget the act no one even to have time to think or discuss. Just blame and its over.

The government now has started to work on pollution, they have felt their responsibility toward the society. Thus they have arranged some vehicles to load the garbage from the road side and various places and dump it directly into the rivers or burn it all including plastics and left over foods in a distant place.

Most of the people in Nepal follow Hindu religion. Which means a belief where god lives in all living and non living. Treat all the way, you want them to treat you. Hindus thus believe there are many gods in existence, sun god, rain god, wind god, water god, animal and plants, humans and many many more. River are treated as Goddess Ganga, and is often worshiped in various occasions. Feels as if Nepal must have the purest water resources on earth but unfortunately its not. People do worship rivers but only for a day or two, during special occasions and remaining days of the year it is just another pipe line of toilet but a big one.

What is really lacking in people, Knowledge? No, knowledge is not the reason, cause rivers get polluted when rivers reach town and cities, which means abundance of schools and colleges. More over religion too teach water resources should be kept clean. So what is the main problem. The main problem is selfishness, ego, greed and so on. So until and unless these things are removed from human heart nothing can happen. Or else government should feel the responsibility and come out with great solution.




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