Let the journey begin...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Birtamode, one of the most polluted city in Nepal.

Birtamode and its pollution

  Like most of the other towns and cities of Nepal, Birtamode is also a name of great honor in terms of pollution. Well it is so said that the most intelligent persons of the country are born here. It is among the leading cities of Nepal in terms of Education. People here are highly educated, it is what one can hear, here in Nepal. Well the pictures posted will soon prove it all.

This is the picture of the most famous "Adwa river  bridge", it lies in East West Highway of Nepal. "Adwa" means ginger in English, since the river is ginger shaped it is named as "Adwa" river. That's what a local described it as. The local added that the water of this river was used for drinking, swimming and of course fishing many years back. He too said that the fishes found in this river were really big and the water was very clean but now everything has changed, it may be the most polluted river in Eastern Nepal right now.

  This river is sometimes called "Adwa Mai".'Mai' means mother. Specially during Chaath festival, ( festival celebrated to please sun god) people go to the river nearby with full devotion, respect , joy
and perform different rituals and make offering to river mother as well as sun. On that special occasion river is cleaned because people take bath and stay in river while performing "puja' or prayers. Hindu's actually regard river as mother because during old days rivers were the only source of water for drinking, specially in the plain regions. Thus the Hindu saints or teachers, during scientific research of those time, found that life is impossible without water, water flows in eyes, mouth, it is even found in blood and milk.So in short, cause the reasons are many, and this blog is about pollution and not about why rivers are regarded as Mother in Hindu religion. Thus in short, they taught and made people of those time believe and see river as a form of mother.

Well it was all during those days that these rivers were really respected and treated like mother , though the people were uneducated. But today in the age of science, everyone know the importance of water and river but those who have the knowledge, who are termed as educated, act as if they are fools. Nope! they are not fools and its not lack of education either, but the people have turned selfish.They live only for themselves, they even don't care about the future generations. The only thing they know is to blame, and blaming others is very easy. So they keep blaming government for all this, and of course they blame each others too. Non of them think it is their own fault, they feel as if they are superior, the one who is pure and a true lover of the country. Well almost everyone has turned out selfish or self centered. That's the reason why the river becomes mother for a day or two cause they believe that offering and praying during these days would make their wishes come true and the remaining days of the year, the river is just another pipeline for drainage, a big one of course.

 River is not the only place that is polluted here but every nooks and corners are the same. People here are so educated that they feel shy to carry the left over and wrappers, to dispose in proper place, they rather throw it wherever they want to. For example, while walking on the street if someone happens to eat a chocolate, he doesn't search for a dustbin or a proper place for the wrapper to be kept, he simply throws it, where he wants to. The left over and garbage from house is collected in plastic bags and thrown down in the streets or behind the wall or any empty place, where ever they please.

 The government of course is very, very serious about this matter, they really care so much about it,  you can see the hard work done by them, all around in these pictures. And locals, they really feel proud to be a part of this town. Cause this land never complain about how ugly she has turned out in recent years. She has no objection on how the locals treat her. Because she is a part of them, if a person makes mistake or commits crime she too is blamed along him/her. Like that man or women of Birtamode.

Thus when she belongs to them, they too belong to her. When Birtamode is praised, they all feel happy as if they are praised. When she gets insulted as one of the most polluted city in Nepal, they too get insulted along her. Because they are the reason for all this pollution, and only they can correct their mistake. If they really feel proud to be a part of her, they should first, make her feel proud  to be a part of them. Or else pigs can dream of heaven as much as it wants to, but in reality, the doors of heaven is always closed for pigs. It is they with choices to make, pigs or humans????

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